Workshop Trainer & Tour Guide

Workshop Trainers have three main areas of responsibility. First, is to train MTC missionaries in a variety of workshops focused on Preach My Gospel  principles and topics from the Missionary Department. Second, is to conduct rating sessions for actor and teacher applicants. And third, is to facilitate MTC tours for the public. 

**To qualify for a position in the Workshop Trainer & Tour Guide position, you must have MTC teaching experience**

Most openings for Trainers come in April/May and July/August. However, we accept applications at all times. 

Please apply to all areas you are qualified for.

Workshop Trainer / Tour Guide Job Description

Important Note: This is an 18 month teaching position

Minimum Qualifications:


As a Workshop Trainer / Tour Guide you are responsible for teaching workshops, screening MTC applicants, and providing public tours. 


Applicant Rating:


* There is an expectation that you will complete your workshop onboarding process before adding tour responsibilities

Desired Skills: